ACI 211.5R

Original price was: $57.50.Current price is: $34.00.

Guide For Submittal of Concrete Proportions

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ACI 04/01/2014 18

ACI 211.5R – Guide For Submittal of Concrete Proportions

This guide is intended to assist both the submitter and reviewer by providing a description of necessary information to ensure that the appropriate information is provided. Information required for the preparation and review of a concrete mixture submittal is contained in reference documents such as codes and standards, project drawings and specifications, and other contract documents. These requirements depend on the intended use of the concrete, the available information, and the size of the project. Use of this guide may be limited when contract documents define the submittal format. This guide emphasizes that the concrete mixture is a unique combination of specific ingredients, from particular sources, and in quantities necessary to achieve the intended purpose.

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1 file , 720 KB
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